Virgin Mary of Paramythias
According to Christian tradition, Panagia Paramythias was the one who in 807 AD saved the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos. Pirates secretly landed on the beach and waited for the gate of the Monastery to open so they could attack. However, after the end of the Orthros, the abbot heard the Virgin Mary say to him: "Do not open the gates of the Monastery today, but go up to the walls and chase away the pirates."
Turning his gaze to the icon, he saw the Divine Infant reach out and cover His Mother's lips, saying: “No Mother, let them be punished as they deserve.” But the Virgin Mary held her Son’s hand and repeated the same words to the abbot. Indeed, the monks were saved from the pirates, while, according to tradition, the expressions of the faces but also the attitude of the Virgin Mary and Jesus have changed since then in the icon.